What is LCCC and what are we doing?
LCCC is a ‘bone fide cooperative’, registered by the FSA as IPS No. 31454R on 7 November 2011. We are a member owned and run, not-for-profit, community organisation helping the community to save energy and generate its own clean power. A copy of our Rules is available.
Our key role is to help organise the installation of energy saving and generation measures on community buildings. Our structure allows us to help finance the work required on each building, by taking advantage of income streams and assistance from the governments’ Feed in Tariff (FiT), Renewable Heat Initiative (RHI) and Green Deal (GD) programmes, and by mobilising individual Chilterns community n members’ investments. Any profits LCCC makes will be re-invested in actions for energy-related community benefit.
We work in partnership with local councils and Bucks CC, who have given support, including some grant funding. Many members are also members of local Transition Town and environmental groups, who we work closely with. We have so far over 20 community buildings in our pipeline, which we are surveying and assessing. We have made proposals to several already, and are assisting them taking their next steps, to actually improve their buildings.
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Here is the job description for our "Energy Friends". If you can help plese get in touch.
Our Members
Our first members were associated with individual Chilterns area Transition Town and Low Carbon groups. We were inspired by the idea that ‘something needs to be done’ about the fact hat the Chilterns area has the highest per capita carbon footprints in the UK; and realised that since the energy issues are common to all our communities, we can be more effective in a larger group, by forming an organisation that can help catalyse and fund local action in each community in the area.
The Co-operative’s Management Committee includes:
Mark Brown, Chairman: Mark is a former Chartered Mechanical Engineer with a Master in Industrial Engineering. He is Director of his own IT Consultancy & co-founded Transition Town High Wycombe in 2008. Mark was their Chairman for three years before becoming Energy Group Coordinator. He presented alongside Transition-founder Rob Hopkins at Ecobuild 2010. Mark & family live in their High Wycombe ‘Superhome’ which they retrofitted to reduce their carbon footprint by 90% and reduce running costs by 90%.
Ian Arnold. Treasurer: Ian is a Chartered Accountant and lives in Beaconsfield. He has spent most of his career as Director of Corporate Finance for Howden Joinery Group Plc. Currently he is Deputy Chairman/CFO of Gardner Watts Ltd, an R&D company in low-carbon energy; Honorary Treasurer and Board member of The Investor Relations Society; Honorary Treasurer and Council member of the Shellfish Association of Great Britain; and Honorary Treasurer to the UK Associates of the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences.
Dr. Samantha Free: Company Secretary. Sam lives in Amersham and had a career in Medical Physics at UCL London. She has an MSc in Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies, Centre for Alternative Technology. She is a founder member of Amersham in Transition and has expertise in renewable energy systems, sustainable buildings and public communications.
Ivan Cicin-Sain: Membership. Ivan lives in High Wycombe. He works as a technical author for an engineering company and does outreach work for an environmental charity. MSc in Environmental decision-making - a systems approach. Founder of Population Matters High Wycombe. Specialises in networking and cooperation of local environmental groups.
All of the members of the Management Committee have been involved in actions at work, at home and our communities, on sustainability, 'transition' from fossil fuel use and low carbon energy. These were spurred by our shared concern that these issues threaten the planet's future, that the need for action is urgent, and is everyone's responsibility.
Our other members come from all over the Chiltern's area, and have many different skillsets and backgrounds. More people are joining us all the time.